The health sector needs to learn how to work with patient leaders, says Tessa Richards. […]
Tessa Richards: Patient leaders—healthcare’s untapped workforce

The health sector needs to learn how to work with patient leaders, says Tessa Richards. […]
More and more, organisations are seeking to push the envelope towards “co-production” of research […]
Patient inclusion is rightly becoming more accepted, but a doctor’s opinion is often valued […]
There is a notice board close to the entrance of our ward. Patients and their families, as well as medical staff, use it to express caring messages to each other, and wishes and hopes for their health by posting notes on the board. The notes are warm and touching: “I hope you get better soon, […]
In 1921 insulin extraction was discovered by Frederick Banting and his team, who sold the patent for $3 as a gift to humanity. Even a century ago, Banting appreciated how critical this discovery was for those whose bodies do not produce insulin and the corresponding opportunity it created for us to be exploited. Yet today, […]
A recent documentary on the BBC revealed the poor state of provision for Type 1 diabetics with eating disorders. The programme focused on the lack of treatment options available for people with diabulimia. This is a condition characterised by diabetics not taking their insulin (or massively reducing their dosage) in order to lose weight. It […]
NHS England recently held a consultation on which items should be routinely prescribed in primary care. From this consultation, which closed last month, NHS England will produce national guidance to make prescribing more cost effective. One of the key proposals that has been mooted for this consultation (and which some clinical commissioning groups are already […]
Stopping the clinic’s biscuit supply may seem trivial, but small things make a difference, says Ceinwen Giles […]
A recent report by Macmillan suggests that clinicians are failing to provide adequate information to patients who have recently been diagnosed with cancer. The Cancer Experience Survey is startling as it reveals that 1 in 4 cancer patients do not understand the explanation of what is wrong with them. In addition, about half are not […]
If the medical educators of the future are to be experts in patient centredness, this must be reflected at conferences, says Matthias Wienold […]