Liz Wager: How should editors respond to plagiarism?

Gross plagiarism is easy to spot and most people agree it’s wrong, so it’s relatively easy to deal with. But while stealing somebody else’s paper and pretending it’s your own is obvious misconduct, it’s surprisingly hard to define exactly what plagiarism is, especially for more minor offences. It would be helpful if we could agree […]

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Elizabeth Loder: African medical journals are alive and thriving

I came away from this year’s meeting of the African Journals Partnership Project (AJPP) with a healthy respect for the multitalented, multitasking African editors who are involved in the initiative. In addition to all of the usual duties of a medical journal editor, they also have to worry about such things as internet connectivity, the […]

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Andrew Burd on plagiarism revisited

I recently shared some thoughts on plagiarism, which is an issue of significant concern to teachers, academics generally and journal editors. Now another concern has been raised and although this relates more to school and undergraduate writing, there is no doubt that without some critical and inspired thinking, this new phenomenon is going to erode […]

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