Carl Heneghan and Matthew Thompson on Tamiflu in children: what’s all the fuss?

Carl Heneghan The last few days has been hectic since the publication of our systematic review in the BMJ on the use of  antivirals in children.  By now, you are probably aware of the findings given the media interest. Basically, our study raised questions about the usefulness of antiviral flu drugs in preventing and treating […]

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Tom Nolan: Is Tamiflu useful in children or not?

Why did the operator at the National Pandemic Flu Service give the child Tamiflu? The cynics will say because the algorithm told him to, but the real answer, according to the UK government, is that it’s the safest thing to do to prevent severe infections. New research in the BMJ questions that policy and looks […]

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Tom Nolan: Confusion over flu advice in pregnancy

Government deliver new advice for pregnant women A storm erupted over the weekend about the government’s advice to pregnant women on swine flu. It all started with the National Childbirth Trust issuing advice that suggested that women consider delaying conception, as their director Belinda Phipps explains: […]

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