Neville Goodman’s Metaphor Watch: Pandora’s box and double-edged swords

From the Holy Grail (qv) to Pandora’s Box. Pandora’s Box has mutated. When Pandora opened her box, the evils flew out and could not be put back in. All that remained when she closed the lid was Hope. But the dictionary definition (COD) is “a process that once begun generates many complicated problems.” A good […]

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Neville Goodman’s Metaphor Watch: The magic bullet

The expression magic bullet is due to the German medical scientist Paul Ehrlich, who was seeking a cure for syphilis. He wanted to find chemical substances with specific affinity for the pathogen. The one that eventually proved effective, which Ehrlich named Salvarsan, was the 606th of a series of arsenical compounds tested, although the 914th, […]

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