Kate Elder and Jennifer Cohn: Vaccines in developing countries: why the high prices?

Global health leaders will gather in Abu Dhabi on 24 and 25 April for a vaccine summit to discuss recent accomplishments and seek ways to expand the impact of childhood vaccination under the decade of vaccines (DoV), an initiative for collective action announced by Bill Gates at the 2010 World Economic Forum. Promoting greater affordability […]

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Richard Lehman’s journal review—22 April 2013

JAMA  17 Apr 2013  Vol 309 1607   Why do some babies get colic every evening until they are about three months old? Dunno. Why do some children and adolescents get migraine? Dunno. Connect the two dunnos and you get a third—why are children and adolescents who get migraine six times more likely to have a […]

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Readers’ editor blog: Our Indian readers, and why there’s more of them

At the beginning of 2013 bmj.com’s most accessed article in India typically received between 100 and 200 views. In three months the figure has more than doubled. In the first full week of January there were 9,784 visits to bmj.com from India. The figure has been rising since. Last week there were 12,121. In November 2012 […]

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Anant Bhan and Bhavna Dhingra: We need a comprehensive approach to women’s health in India

It has been a winter of discontent regarding the status of women in India, sparked by national outrage following the gruesome gang rape of a young trainee physiotherapist in Delhi. The spontaneous public protests have highlighted the need for reform to promote a gender-equitable society. Today, as we observe International Women’s Day, we also need […]

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