Robin Baddeley: Leadership thinking is swinging back from the “big picture” to local issues

Leaders in Healthcare 2017: a reflection A canter through this year’s conference prompts reflection on both the foundation and direction of the leadership agenda The Leaders in Healthcare conference aims to “improve outcomes for patients and communities, provide practical ideas that can be implemented in healthcare, promote research into high quality leadership and management, foster […]

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Anya de Iongh: Making patient co-production meaningful and impactful

Last week saw the annual meeting of The BMJ’s Patient Panel—an international meeting across at least four continents via plane, car, train, and phone to discuss The BMJ’s partnership with patients. Since 2014, the panel has brought together international patients, advocates, and leaders in the field of people’s (patients or carers) experience, involvement, engagement, and […]

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Partnership between the BMJ and Pfizer: Learn and change to improve the evidence

People do health research for many different reasons. Most, we hope, try to answer questions that are important to patient care or policy, with a chance of informing service development or improving health. This is particularly urgent in lower income countries, where there is still not nearly enough locally derived evidence to drive and support […]

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Peter Doshi: Speed vs safety in the FDA’s new drug approvals—speed wins, again

In the late 1980s, AIDS activists stormed the headquarters of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with a message that the FDA’s drug approval process was, simply put, killing people by blocking the approval of new treatments. One protester’s shirt read: “If I die of AIDS—forget burial—just drop my body on the steps of […]

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