Domhnall MacAuley: Primary care and the President

Everyone is an expert in primary care. Newsagents, bar staff, waiters, hairdressers and little old ladies laden with shopping all have their own view. In the anonymity of a city you can tune in, unrecognised, to everyday conversations. Public opinion seems to be changing with GPs seen as overpaid, underworked, and not performing. The news […]

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Domhnall MacAuley: Music of eternal youth

The only oestrogen in the room came from a packet. And, from my seat, no man had a full head of hair. It could have been a convention of replaced hips, knees and dodgy coronary arteries. Such was the age profile at the Sunday afternoon concert at the West Cork Chamber Music Festival that few […]

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Domhnall MacAuley:Working Epidemi-holiday

Epidemi-holiday is what the students used to call their attachment. A bit unkind, although with hindsight I may have missed an occasional lecture or tutorial as a student myself……times have changed, and epidemiology was centre stage, at the launch of the Centre of Excellence for Public Health in Northern Ireland (June 18th), part of the […]

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Domhnall MacAuley: Sporting excellence

Sport, medicine and royalty- what an eclectic mix, or maybe not. With some timely encouragement from HRH the Princess Royal, introducing the BMA conference Excellence in Health The Olympic ideal, mainstream medicine is starting to recognise that sport offers some very useful solutions to the growing problems of obesity and associated chronic disease. […]

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Domhnall MacAuley: Big in Japan

Arriving in Tokyo, the signs and maps impenetrable, and rush hour a torrential flood of determined faces in swirls and eddies through the halls of the seven level central station. Without a guide, it would be almost impossible to find one’s way. Thankfully Miki Inoue and Hiroshi Takayanagi, residents in family medicine with Professor Ryuki […]

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Domhnall MacAuley from the Quality Forum

Domhnall MacAuley attending the BMJ/IHI 12th International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care, Barcelona April 2007 Airports at 5am on a working day don’t have the same excitement as holiday travel. Suits, briefcases and determined frowns keeping the economy in the air. Nothing like the indignity of putting your toiletries in a clear […]

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