Martin McShane: Where to start?

We are only two months away from it becoming real for GP consortia. I was looking through the information going to one of our pathfinder executive meetings in the next week. The GP consortium is looking good for this year and will deliver within budget unless something unexpected happens. Buried within the report was some worrying […]

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Martin McShane: The dog that hasn’t barked

As we wrestle with uncertain futures, financial stringencies, and retaining a focus on ensuring services continue to get delivered, there is a creeping realisation that something is missing. There is a bill before Parliament which details, in jargon that defeats me, the changes to the structures for commissioning. It lays out the way the system […]

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Martin McShane: Enthusiasm, cynicism, pragmatism and Pathfinders.

In Lincolnshire, we had 3 Pathfinder consortia announced in the second wave. This is good news. At least, we think it is. We are, however, not sure what being a “Pathfinder” means.  It would appear to mean that GPs are enthusiastic about the reforms and taking up the challenge. Is that true? […]

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