The way we frame benefit and risk to our patients can have a huge impact on their health and lifestyle choices, argues Abraar Karan […]
Abraar Karan: What we say to our patients matters, but how we say it matters more

The way we frame benefit and risk to our patients can have a huge impact on their health and lifestyle choices, argues Abraar Karan […]
Plans to defund Planned Parenthood in the US will damage women’s healthcare choices, says Reena Aggarwal […]
As the American Health Care Act has passed through the House of Representatives, Allan M. Joseph and William H. Seligman assess what impact this will have. […]
Donald Trump continues to threaten to pull the trigger and scrap the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The day after his failed attempt to repeal and replace the ACA on 24 March, he tweeted, “Obamacare will explode . . . Do not worry.” Then, in mid-April, one way this might happen was put forward: by cutting […]
In the wake of Saturday’s March for Science, Nahid Bhadelia and Afsan Bhadelia argue that scientists must sometimes join the political fray to advocate for inconvenient truths […]
Despite the AHCA failing, plans to defund Planned Parenthood in the US will damage women’s healthcare choices, says Reena Aggarwal […]
Ashish Jha explains why the “ABCs: Arithmetic, Bravery, and Competence” are so important for reforming the US healthcare system. […]
Donald Trump’s bill to repeal the ACA has failed. Alice Murray and Saira Ghafur assess what happened and what impact this will have on US healthcare. […]
Is health a human right? This question has been a point of global contention, and in particular has driven the highly partisan ideological views on health reform in the United States. A number of health governance bodies have tried to make sense of this notion. The constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) asserts that “the […]
America needs to set aside ideologically driven approaches to healthcare, argues William Cayley […]