Richard Smith: We don’t know how best to communicate the benefits and harms of drugs

Every day hundreds of thousands of doctors and patients around the world discuss the benefits and risks of drugs. You might think therefore that we know how to communicate the information well, but the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Food and Drug Administration agree that we don’t. Indeed, the EMA logically thinks that before […]

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Richard Smith: Reducing chronic disease in Pakistan

Pakistan, like most developing countries, is experiencing rapidly rising rates of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and it has developed a draft national plan for countering chronic disease. It’s an impressive and elaborate plan, as I discovered when I discussed the plan last week with people from the health ministry in […]

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Richard Smith asks: Can we create a global network of mentors?

I’m on a plane flying home from Nigeria, where I’ve been participating in a workshop on writing and publishing in journals, reading scientific papers, and encouraging evidence based practice. I had a wonderful time. The workshop had around 100 participants, and they were exuberant and highly responsive. The debate was intense, and some struggled with […]

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