The GMC is often the misguided target for the ire of those frustrated by the burden of regulation […]
Terence Stephenson: The GMC is listening to what doctors are telling us on revalidation

The GMC is often the misguided target for the ire of those frustrated by the burden of regulation […]
Attempts to ban the term “SHO” seem heavy handed and out of touch […]
While the four UK health services face the same challenges—increased demand due to an ageing population, workforce shortages, and tight finances—they have diverged considerably since devolution and the Nuffield Trust has begun a series of reports considering the merits of each system. The first report, Learning from Scotland’s NHS, particularly highlighted NHS Scotland’s integrated structure […]
Staff should receive the same compassion they give to their patients […]
It’s that time of year again—yes, it’s changeover time. Thousands of new doctors are navigating their first weeks in a ward near you. Even though the statistics behind the fears of increased mortality have been shown to be questionable, patients, nurses, and senior doctors alike still await the arrivals with trepidation. Truthfully, it is probably […]
Channelling money into frontline care, while cutting away at public health, is a false economy […]
In 2005, I was a senior specialist registrar in surgery at the Royal London Hospital and managed casualties from the 7/7 London bombings. Twelve years later, now a consultant trauma surgeon at the Royal London Major Trauma Centre and director of the London Major Trauma System, I was surgical commander for the hospital’s response to […]
The reality of fewer psychiatrists is a problem that is not going to go away […]
NHS trusts are still treating junior doctors as if they are expendable at a time when low morale should be a priority […]
The evidence base for social prescribing lags behind practice and needs to catch up […]