Harvey Marcovitch: Retired doctors and revalidation

Late last year, retired consultant surgeon David Baxter-Smith faced General Medical Council allegations of impaired fitness to practice due to misconduct, a heavy blow for someone at the end of an acknowledged, unblemished, and highly regarded career. While misconduct in the professional sense has not been precisely defined, senior judges have used words such as […]

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Clare Macdonald: Primary care can play an important part in supporting breast feeding

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that infants should be exclusively breast fed until 6 months of age, and then to 2 years and beyond alongside complementary foods. [1] Despite this advice being supported by the Department of Health, only 1% of UK babies are exclusively breast fed at 6 months, and even at just 6 weeks […]

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Michael Brady: Sex and relationships education could transform mental and sexual health—but no child should be denied access

Last week, the Queen enshrined into law the decision from Justine Greening to make Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) mandatory in all schools. The law states that, from September 2019, all English secondary schools, including state, academy, free and private schools, must teach Sex and Relationship Education, and all primary schools must teach relationships education. […]

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