By Jessica Beard Topics surrounding concussion are as hot as a Californian summer. The public has witnessed players in professional sport clearly concussed, yet not removed from the field, the 2015 Will Smith Movie shows the traumatising reality of sports related concussion (SRC), famous players have reached out to share their concussion symptoms post sport. Now, there […]
Tag: Concussion
Highlights from the Sports Concussion Forum at Macquarie University, hosted by CCD – (ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders)
By Balraj Ougra The inaugural Sports Concussion Forum was recently (November 10th, 2017) hosted at Arc Centre of Excellence in Cognition and Its Disorders (CCD), at Macquarie Universities state of the art facility, Australian Hearing Hub. Organised by the Department of Cognitive Science, Macquarie University, the event brought together experts from sports medicine, psychology, law […]
Can I get a pound for every time someone says collaboration? Take home messages from the UK Sports Concussion Research Symposium
By James Murphy The UK’s first Sports Concussion Research Symposium started with a warm welcome by Velicia Bachtiar (Drake Foundation1) and Dr Simon Kemp (Rugby Football Union (RFU)). Dr Charlotte Cowie (Football Association (FA)) then kicked off official proceedings. This day brought together the concussion and traumatic brain injury communities that in the past have […]
Safety in youth rugby: education is not the answer to the concussion crisis
By Adam White @AdJWhite, Dr. Tim Gamble, and John Batten @JBatz85 Injury worries Despite the potential health benefits from participating in the sport, rugby is under increasing scrutiny as a result of the high number of injuries experienced by youth participants. We know, for example, that injury rates in rugby union for participants under 21 years of age can be […]
#RSNlive16: Rugby Science Network 2016 Conference (September 13th and 14th, 2016)
Tackling. Concussion. Doping. Rugby is a sport which has had to confront some big topics in the public domain over the past few years, and has persistently shown significant commitment to ensuring the welfare of its participants, be it through research, education, or otherwise. As a collision sport, injuries are unavoidable – and so there […]
Undergrad intro to Sports Medicine in Ireland, #SEMSEP by @FSEM_IRL: Concussion seminar highlights, and upcoming courses
Undergraduate perspective on Sports & Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog series Fiachra Maguire @Fiachra_Maguire The Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine in Ireland (@FSEM_IRL) began their 3rd successive Structured Educational Programme (#SEMSEP) this past November. The #SEMSEP is comprised of 4 half-day seminars on current topics. Two seminars took place in 2015 (the first on Concussions […]
Time for football team doctors to have the immediate benefit of TV footage use to help with the concussion decision: Let’s help team doctors not look foolish
By Thor Einar Andersen, MD, PhD – Chief Medical Officer, the Football Association of Norway On Sunday August 30, in the Norwegian Football Premier League local derby, the goalkeeper for Mjøndalen IF fell to the ground unconscious after being hit in the face by a ball shot from a short distance. TV images, both live and […]
Conference Highlights from the Concussion in Sport conference at the Sports Surgery Clinic in Dublin
By Steffan Griffin (@lifestylemedic) and Dr. Sean Carmody (@seancarmody1) You may have seen @BJSMPlus – our conference twitter handle feeding various clinical pearls from events around the world – going into overdrive at the recent ‘Concussion: Diagnosis and Rehabilitation’ conference at the Sports Surgery Clinic in Dublin early last month #sscConcussion This fantastic event, expertly organised […]
Is the abuse of medication the next major concern in sports medicine?
By Dr Sean Carmody “Also, be aware of the pills you take. If you take sleeping pills to overcome jet lag, before you know it, you’ll be taking them every night. When your arm is sore and you’re given medication for it, throw that bottle away. Those pills will give you a painful, persistent ulcer. Be […]
FSEM Supports Concussion Guidelines for the Education Sector
The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine UK (FSEM) is supporting new Concussion Guidelines for the Education Sector, produced by the Forum on Concussion in Sport and Physical Education in conjunction with the Sport and Recreational Alliance. The guidelines have been created in order to alleviate parental concerns around the safety of school sport and […]