On ‘BUCS-ing’ and Boxing – A SEM Trainee Perspective By Dr Stan Baltsezak

 By Dr Stan Baltsezak The UK trainee perspective (The BJSM blog features the trainee perspective every two weeks)* February, March and April are the months when British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) championships take place. Students from all over the UK compete in numerous contact and non-contact sports. The Championships and Games provide a unique opportunity […]

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E-letter: Rifaximin for the Prevention of Travellers’ Diarrhoea in Elite Athletes

This E-lettter is in response to Setting standards for the prevention and management of travellers’ diarrhoea in elite athletes: an audit of one team during the Youth Commonwealth Games in India Abstract | Full Article The article by Tillett and Loosemore describes guidelines for the prevention and management of travellers’ diarrhoea (TD) based on their experience with the elite athletes and noncompeting members of […]

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E-letter: Pre-participation screening in competitive athletes in Portugal

This E-letter is in response to ECG As A Part of the Pre-Participation Screening Programme: An Old an Still Present International Dilemma (Abstract) Pre-participation screening in competitive athletes in Portugal has been compulsory for more than 40 years. Yearly ECG was introduced in the screening at about the same time as in Italy, for all athletes evaluated […]

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Athletes may shave without ending like Samson

Shaving may be a daily ritual for most men, but for athletes it is much more open to debate. Some athletes shave with a vengeance : cyclists shave their legs by tradition and to make easier cleaning road rash and massages, swimmers may even shave their entire body (particularly before swimming suits were authorized) to […]

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BJSM in US News and World Report

BJSM aims to be relevant to clinicians and to influence practice. It has been pleasing to see BJSM quoted in the New York Times, the Financial Post, and other major international news outlets. Our September issue (PDF), in partnership with the IOC continues to have an impact the world over. This link is to the […]

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