Vote now! Round 3 of the 2015 BJSM cover competition

Welcome to the second last preliminary round of the 2015 cover competition.

Win a prize! We will reveal this year’s prizes (voters in the final round get entered in a draw, and profiled on the blog) next round. See last years winners HERE.  There is a rumor winners may get entered into a very small group who will be in the running to gain free registration to a BJSM sponsored conference of choice (1 winner!) (For example the Football Medicine Strategies Conference, London, April 9-11 2016) (Just a rumor for now…)

BJSM is the only sports clinicians’ journal with new content twice-monthly. This helps us to address hot topics while they are fresh. In the Impact Factor ratings, BJSM ranked #1 of 81 in Sports Sciences for ‘Immediacy’ – papers cited within a year of publication.

Our 19 member societies guide us to hot topics. Did you miss an issue? Here’s a quick way to scan this year’s archive:

Check-out the issues we feature in this round (below).

  1. ASICS Sports Medicine Australia Conference (SMA)
  2. Active Norwegians live longer But can we overdo it? (Norwegian Physios and Sports Doctors)
  3. Groin pain: Doha Agreement Meeting (International consensus)
  4. Youth Athletic Development Aiming high while keeping it healthy, balanced and fun! (IOC)
  5. Sports Physiotherapy New Zealand (SPNZ)
  6. Learners to Leaders: Learning from African cycling, Leading with physical activity (SASMA)
BJSM Journal Cover
May 49 (10)
November 49 (11)
June 49 (11)









BJSM Journal Cover
June 49 (12)


July 49 (13)
July 49 (13)










July 49 (14)
July 49 (14)
August 49 (15)
August 49 (15)








poll here




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