Your chance to win in the final — ‘Golden Goal’ – round of the 2nd Annual BJSM cover competition, 2012. Thanks to over 400 readers who voted in the preliminary rounds. Also, thanks to our editors from member societies and IPHP editors who create the covers with our designer Vicky Earle!
We have upped the ante in this final round and the winner will get two great prizes (in case you missed it, here’s a short interview with last year’s winner Louise Kent)
Here are the prizes:
1. Brukner and Khan’s Clinical Sports Medicine, 4th Edition, 2012.
2. The IOC Manual of Sports Injuries: An Illustrated Guide to the Management of Injuries in Physical Activity, Edited by Roald Bahr.
Here’s how to win:
1. Vote below on your favourite BJSM cover from 2012.
2. Include your email address for us to contact you if you win – we delete them all after the competition. Your email will not be used for promotional purposes.
3. Tweet this blog post (be sure to @mention @BJSM_BMJ so we can track you)
4. Like our Facebook page, like the link to this blog, and share the link on your own Facebook wall.
If you share this post on both Twitter and Facebook you double your chances of winning. But just one prize per person. Fast, fun, and the rewards are big!
You don’t have Facebook or Twitter? What a great excuse to join (conflict of interest statement: we are not endorsed by either Facebook, or Twitter), or use someone else’s account.