In the August 2010 issue of Tobacco Control, Cynthia Callard wrote an enlightening article on just how uneven the playing field is in tobacco control. She compared the 2008 total revenues of the five major tobacco companies that control 90% of the global market as compared to the total amount spent on global tobacco control. The […]
Word wars and tobacco control

UPDATE: A short-list of the best have now been selected – place your vote now! Congratulations to the nominees and good luck! To help officially launch the Tobacco Control Blog, this month’s Editorial has also been posted to the blog and is ready for your comments. The aim of this blog is to stimulate debate, […]
Bringing lessons from Indonesia to the world
Ruth Malone, Editor in Chief Indonesia is one of the world’s most difficult places to do tobacco control, with a strong tobacco industry presence and a lot of political resistance from tobacco growers and their allies. Huge tobacco billboards are everywhere in the city of Jakarta. Yet, as we discovered on a recent visit, tobacco […]
Your favourite BMJ journal joins the blogosphere
Ruth Malone and Becky Freeman Tobacco Control has now joined the BMJ Group Blogs – welcome to our inaugural post! Ok, ok, so maybe we’re a tad late to the party – but we’re here now and we promise to make it worth the wait. Our master plan for this blog is that it will […]