Undergraduate perspective on Sport & Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog series By Johnson Pok-Him Tam (@tamph4) and Manroy Sahni (@manroysahni) Elite sport is results driven. Each generation of new athletes is pushing themselves to new limits, to reach new heights and eclipse records set by their predecessors. But what impact can this constant cauldron of pressure […]
Tag: Mental Health
Mental health in professional football: compromised care and strategies for change
By Andrea Scott-Bell Aaron Lennon’s Sectioning under the Mental Health Act on May 2nd is the latest addition to the list of professional footballers experiencing mental health difficulties. The day after news broke of Lennon’s detention, the PFA claimed that mental health issues among footballers were on the rise, with 160 reported cases in the previous […]
Assessing the Mental Health of the NFL: Bullying, hazing and workplace harassment at the Miami Dolphins
By Ian R Tofler BJSM readers, curious scientists and sports enthusiasts all, must be interested in the inner workings of the American National Football League (NFL) and its politically astute iron fisted chief executive Roger Goodell. The NFL, despite setbacks regarding the taboo concussion/CTE scandal; large financial payouts, and players ending up in jail, has […]
Crossingtheline Summit – Let’s Talk About Athlete Retirement
By Fiona Wilson Crossingtheline (crossingthelinesport.com) is an exciting new initiative launched by a group of ex international athletes, led by Gearoid Towey (four time Olympian and World Champion rower). Its purpose is to provide a platform and resource to support athletes in retirement. Boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard famously quoted, “Nothing could satisfy me outside […]
Is the abuse of medication the next major concern in sports medicine?
By Dr Sean Carmody “Also, be aware of the pills you take. If you take sleeping pills to overcome jet lag, before you know it, you’ll be taking them every night. When your arm is sore and you’re given medication for it, throw that bottle away. Those pills will give you a painful, persistent ulcer. Be […]
The delegate view of 6th London School of SEM Conference– What lessons were learnt?
Undergraduate perspective on Sports & Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog series By Jonathan Shurlock (@J_Shurlock) Reading the recent BJSM blog on the 6th annual London Deanery Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) Conference written by the event organisers, inspired me to give the delegate view of the important lessons learnt by those in attendance, and add […]
Game changing in mental health – Tackling stigma & building resilience in elite sport
Undergraduate perspective on Sports & Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog series By Steffan Griffin (@lifestylemedic) The inaugural conference hosted by Maudsley Learning, gathered elite sport professionals and stakeholders to stimulate debate and conversation about a topic commonly overlooked or underestimated by those outside the game: Mental health. This topic has been a taboo subject within sport […]
Event announcement: “Game Changing in Mental Health,”tackling stigma and building resilence in elite sport
This event is of interest to all of those who wish to specialise in sports medicine as it may directly impact both player welfare and performance. From an early age athletes are instructed to show no fear, to be the toughest, fastest and most focussed competitors on the field. They are also told to never […]
Physical health in mental illness and The HeAL Declaration: another gap to close
By Simon Rosenbaum and the Keeping the Body In Mind (KBIM) Team The terms obesity, type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease are usually associated with general practitioners, and the specialties of endocrinology and cardiology. Recently however, mental health clinicians have taken up the fight against lifestyle-related non-communicable diseases, given the growing body of evidence highlighting the […]