What can we learn from Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s knee injury? Focus on PCL implications

The PCL gets much less attention than its anterior partner. What might be going through Zlatan’s mind? If we start with a player who has suffered an isolated mild to moderate (Grade I-II) PCL injury, we find the player can do well with quality physiotherapy reahabilitation because because surgical reconstruction tends to improve the grade of […]

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A postgraduate perspective of a SEM training programme for undergraduates

Undergraduate perspective on Sport & Exercise Medicine – a BJSM blog series By Andrew Shafik (@aaashafik), Guy Evans (@drguyevans) and Ajai Seth (@ajaiseth) Are you a doctor interested in specialty training that incorporates physical activity, exercise, sport and medicine? SEM Training Programme Although BASEM was formed in 1952, SEM was only first recognised as a medical […]

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Can national swimming federations be agents for health promotion?

By Clarence Perez-Diaz and Juan Carlos De la Cruz-Márquez. In this blog we capture the essence of what we may also submit as a research paper to a journal outside the BJSM. Background: Participation in international swimming events have increased significantly over the last 20 years. While only 46 national swimming federations (NFs) participated in […]

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Exercise oncology part 1/3: Let’s get moving, exercise helps in preventing AND treating cancers!

Swiss Junior Doctors and Undergraduate Perspective on Sport and Exercise Medicine Blog Series By Giulia Marzano and Justin Carrard, @MarzanoGiuli, @Carrard.Justin “I am very sorry to tell you that you suffer have bowel cancer (…). But we are able to treat this kind of cancer with pretty good results. Treatment consists of surgery as well as […]

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Young athletes’ optimal health: Part 3 Consequences of Relative Energy Deficiency in sports

Part-3 of the blog mini-series on RED-S By Dr Nicky Keay In my previous blogs, I  described the adverse effects of Relative Energy Deficiency in sports (RED-S) in both female and male athletes- current health and sport performance and potential long term health problems. What about young aspiring athletes? There is concern that early sport specialisation, imbalances in training […]

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Using strength and conditioning in Physiotherapy

Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sport and Exercise Medicine blog series @PhysiosinSport By Emily Drakes My interest in strength and conditioning started after watching an evening lecture from Raphael Brandon. I was intrigued by the theory behind exercise prescription. Also, physiotherapy seems to be moving more and more towards exercise as the mainstay of treatment, as […]

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Are elite athletes at higher risk of developing cardiovascular abnormalities than the average citizen?

By Javier S. Morales (MSc), Pedro L. Valenzuela (MSc), and Adrián Castillo García (MSc): @Fissac_es High performance sport is a focal point for the media, and sadly, cases of sudden death in elite athletes appear in the news with relative frequency. These news added to findings such as those of Pellicia et al. (2016), who reported an […]

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Optimal health: including male athletes! Part 2 Relative Energy Deficiency in sports

Part-2 of the blog mini-series on RED-S By Dr Nicky Keay If you are a male athlete, or work with male athletes, and think that Relative Energy Deficiency in sport (RED-S) is just a problem for females, think again. As discussed in my previous blog Optimal health: including female athletes! Part 1 Bones, the female athlete triad […]

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Play on Pedals: engaging preschool children in cycling to improve mental and physical health of future generations

By Polly Jarman, Play on Pedals Development Officer Cycling UK  Suzanne Forup, @backonmybike, Play on Pedals Director Cycling UK  Prof Chris Oliver, @CyclingSurgeon, Physical Activity for Health Research Centre, University of Edinburgh Play on Pedals aims to give every preschool child in Glasgow the opportunity to learn to ride a bike before starting school. The […]

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