
Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2015 Nov 25. doi: 10.1111/ecc.12421. [Epub ahead of print]

Predictors of duloxetine response in patients with oxaliplatin-induced painful chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN): a secondary analysis of randomised controlled trial – CALGB/alliance 170601.

Smith EM, Pang, Ye C, Cirrincione, et al

This study was an exploratory secondary analysis of a previously collected dataset from the CALGB 170601 study (which included 231 people with sensory neuropathy from April 2008 and March 2011, in the USA). In this study 106 people with oxaliplatin-induced painful chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) of moderate to severe intensity were randomised to receive duloxetine (30 mg/day for 7 days, then 60 mg/day for 4 weeks) or placebo.

The aim of this secondary data analysis was to identify predictors of duloxetine response in patients with painful oxaliplatin-induced CIPN. Emotional distress, impaired cognition, fatigue, and insomnia were assessed as predictors. People with a higher baseline emotional functioning (e.g. feeling less worried, tense, irritated, depressed) were four times more likely to experience a ≥30% reduction in pain with duloxetine.

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