David Hunter


David is now an Associate Professor of Medical Ethics in the Southgate Institute for Health, Society and Equity at Flinders University, in Adelaide, Australia. Prior to this he was based in the department of Philosophy at the University of Birmingham. Prior to this he was a lecturer in ethics in the Centre for Professional Ethics at Keele University in the UK. Prior to that he was a lecturer in bioethics at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland and prior to that a lecturer in philosophy at Massey University in New Zealand, the country he originated from, though he does also claim, via his grandmother, to be the worlds only Cook Island Maori bioethicist.


By background his training is in philosophy, concentrating on political philosophy and ethics, both theoretical and applied.


His main areas of research interest are:


1. Political philosophy in the context of health care, in particular questions of the distribution of health care resources, although he is now looking into issues of public health and global justice as well.

2. Research ethics, in particular the question of how research ethics committees might be structured and set up so that they can do their job well.

3. Ethical issues raised by new technologies, in particular the challenges they pose for systems of regulation.

4. Anything else he happens to be working on at the time.


In terms of teaching, along with supervising PhD students, he leads the Ethics, Law and Professionalism strand in the MD at Flinders, providing the majority of the ethics teaching in this programme, contributing to the joint University of Adelaide, University of South Australia and Flinders Public Health Ethics module, providing training for research ethics committees and individuals and doing other drips and drabs of ethics teaching as need be.


Other than that he coordinates both the Ethical Issues in Resource Allocation and the Philosophy and Bioethics and Research Ethics networks of the International Association of Bioethics, runs the Philosophy and Bioethics Universe, sits on two research ethics committees and dreams about having spare time. He isn’t that comfortable writing about himself in the third person, but is getting used to it…


If you really want more details about David, links to his publications etc you can find his his full and vaguely up to date staff page here.


You can contact him at david.hunter@flinders.edu.au

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