PZ Meyers has picked up a strange story: apparently, there’s an organisation called Homeopaths Without Borders – clearly picking up on MSF’s name – that intends to send crack teams of homeopaths to disaster areas. Their site’s mainly in German at the moment – they promise updates – but here’s a taste of what they […]
Category: WTF?
When Transplantation goes Odd
A man who donated his kidney to his wife, who subsequently cheated on him and filed for divorce, says he wants it back. His chances are described as slim. Ronseal. […]
Virgin Schadenfreude
I don’t usually get to post these sorts of stories, usually Iain spots the salacious ones a mile off before I do… It turns out according to the BMJ that a US study has shown that abstinence pledges are ineffective at preventing sex among teenagers, those who vow not to end up having sex at […]
A Little Bit of Smut at Christmas
Not speaking German – we Brits don’t really believe in learning other languages when speaking English LOUDLY AND SLOWLY to non-limeys is clearly enough – I can’t be sure what this is about. But it would appear that someone has invented a spray-on condom. Or maybe it’s some process whereby you can shape your own. Or […]
I was going to write something sensible here…
… but, while waiting for the announcement of the Manchester Congestion Charge vote, I happened across this story. It made me wince. Of course, penis-crush injuries from falling toilet seats are no laughing matter. No, no, no. Nor will I laugh at the suggestion – apparently made in earnest – that certain toilet seats should […]
Is there a gene for vivid imaginations?
I only ask because of some of the stuff that’s been suggested in relation to the debates surrounding embryo research that’re currently going on in the UK parliament – of which this example has to be one of the best I’ve seen for a long time. WARNING: I suppose that I ought to add a warning that the link […]
WoooOOOoooO!! Research!!
That “wooOOOooO” was the sound a ghost makes, just in case you were wondering. I’m not sure if what follows is more of a tale about woeful reporting, or woeful research. What I am more sure about is that many of you will have seen BBC reporting that “[a] large study is to examine near-death experiences in […]