Too Braney by Half?

One of my favourite blogs is spEak You’re bRanes, “dedicated to the dribble-spattered lunacy of BBC ‘Have Your Say’ discussions”.  It’s splenetic, merciless and very, very funny in its dissections of the bigoted, ill-considered and illiterate bilge that gets posted under the guise of “discussion” on the BBC news website.  To be fair, the Beeb has to […]

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Does Medicine – and Medical Ethics – have a Pro-Life Bias?

There’s an essay by Diego Gracia called “Palliative Care and the Historical Background” that I frequently use in classes about Care ethics, and there’s a passage in it that always gets a fascinating reaction from students.  In this passage, Gracia claims that the true goal of medicine has always been curing, rather than taking care of […]

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