More on Ethics Teaching

Further to the post below, and by complete serendipity – David and I have asked for pre-publication access to the JME, but haven’t got it yet – this month’s Journal is crammed with stuff on ethics in the undergrad medical curriculum.  Sophie Mills gives a student’s-eye account of the place of ethics in the curriculum […]

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Physicians on Facebook

There’s a short piece in the latest JME about the use of social networking sites by medics that’s got me thinking.  In it, Guseh, Brendel and Brendel suggest that physicians need to be especially careful about accepting, say, a Facebook friend request from patients because of the nature of social networking sites and the possibility […]

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The ethics of abortion – De ja vue or necessary debate?

This summer I realised with some horror that it was 20 years ago I first presented a paper at an international medical ethics conference while still being a medical student. That paper was on who should control the fate of aborted foetuses and the paper I gave the year after at the same conference was […]

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