Chuck Norris on why Obamacare is Bad

You know Chuck Norris: martial-arts-film-star-bloke-turned-right-wing-commentator-and-walking-internet-meme.  Yep.  Him.  Well, he’s identified exactly what’s wrong with Obamacare.  It might mean publicly funded terminations of pregnancy.  And imagine what state the world’d be in if the Virgin Mary had had an abortion.  Go on.  Imagine it. [A]s we near the eve of another Christmas, I wonder: What would have […]

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Too Braney by Half?

One of my favourite blogs is spEak You’re bRanes, “dedicated to the dribble-spattered lunacy of BBC ‘Have Your Say’ discussions”.  It’s splenetic, merciless and very, very funny in its dissections of the bigoted, ill-considered and illiterate bilge that gets posted under the guise of “discussion” on the BBC news website.  To be fair, the Beeb has to […]

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You may have heard last week about the Microsoft advert running in Poland that had been… um… how can I put it?… ethnically re-envisioned (and badly, too: even I could Photoshop an image more convincingly, and I’m like a blind monkey with scissors).  And Ford got into trouble a few years ago for doing something similar. […]

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