After the great success of the Hepatology #FGDebate with Professor Sir Ian Gilmore, we are delighted to announce our fourth debate and ‘Christmas Special’ debate will be lead by Nobel Laureate Professor Barry Marshall (@barjammar) and Editor in Chief of GUT (@emadelomar), on Sunday 21st December 2014, at 12 noon GMT and discuss, “Frontline Research: The highs and […]
Missed the #FGDebate with Professor Sir Ian Gilmore? catch up with the Podcast and Storify summary of the debate – ‘Frontline Hepatology: Alcohol – our favourite drug and everyone’s problem’
If you missed the #FGDebate with Professor Sir Ian Gilmore, ‘Frontline Hepatology: Alcohol – our favourite drug and everyone’s problem’, you can catch up with the: Podcast with Sir Ian, after the #FGDebate: Or the Storify summary of the #FGDebate at: Don’t forget to join us for the next debate with Nobel Laureate, Professor […]
Frontline Hepatology: Alcohol – our favourite drug and everyone’s problem #FGDebate
After the great success of the IBD #FGDebate with Dr Charlie Lees, we are delighted to announce our third debate will be lead by Prof Sir Ian Gilmore (@itgilm), on 11th November 2014, at 8-9pm GMT and discuss, “Frontline Hepatology: Alcohol – our favourite drug and everyone’s problem” Professor Sir Ian Gilmore is an honorary consultant physician at […]
Missed the #FGDebate with Dr Charlie Lees? Catch up with the Podcast and Storify summary of the debate – ‘Frontline IBD: Finding the cause of IBD – genes, bugs or diet?’
If you missed the #FGDebate with Dr Charlie Lees, ‘Frontline IBD: Finding the cause of IBD – genes, bugs or diet?’, you can catch up with the: Podcast with Dr Lees, after the #FGDebate: or the Storify summary of the #FGDebate at: Don’t forget to join us for the next debate with Prof Sir […]
Frontline IBD: Finding the cause of IBD – genes, bugs or diet? #FGDebate
After the great success of our first ever #FGDebate we are delighted to announce our second debate will be lead by Dr Charlie Lees (@charlie_lees), Consultant Gastroenterologist and IBD Specialist, on 14th OCtober 2014, at 8-9pm GMT and discuss, “‘Frontline IBD: Finding the cause of IBD – genes, bugs or diet?” Dr Charlie Lees is […]
Missed the first #FGDebate – catch up with the Podcast: Frontline Endoscopy: Colonic EMR vs ESD – which one and when?
If you missed the first ever #FGDebate by Dr Bjorn Rembacken, ‘Frontline Endoscopy: Colonic EMR vs ESD – which one and when?’, you can catch up with the: Podcast with Dr Bjorn Rembacken, after the #FGDebate: or the Storify summary of the #FGDebate at: Don’t forget to join us for the next debate with Dr […]
Frontline Endoscopy: Colonic EMR vs ESD – which one and when? #FGDebate
We are delighted to announce that the first debate will be lead by Dr Bjorn Rembacken (@Bjorn_Rembacken), Consultant Gastroenterologist, Specialist Endoscopist and UEG Website Editor, and keen twitter educationalist – this will be on: Tuesday 23rd September 2014, at 8-9pm GMT and discuss, “Frontline Endoscopy: Colonic EMR vs ESD – which one and when?’ […]
Welcome to Frontline Gastroenterology Twitter Debates #FGDebate
Frontline Gastroenterology is pleased to announce a new and exciting educational initiative in the form of ‘Frontline Gastroenterology Twitter Debates’ with online debates and discussions hosted by expert clinicians and academics from around the world. This is your chance to ask the experts directly about clinical issues that affect you on the ‘Frontline’. The debates […]