Primary Care Corner with Geoffrey Modest MD: CDC Postpones Their Opiate Guidelines

By Dr. Geoffrey Modest

So, as an addendum to the blog yesterday, it turns out that the CDC is putting off their draft opiate recommendations because of a huge public outcry, with the following comments in STAT news:

“The postponement follows complaints from representatives of other federal agencies and consumer advocacy groups that the CDC guidelines were based on weak evidence and would unfairly restrict some patients from obtaining needed pain relief. The agency was also chastised for using a “secretive” process to formulate the guidelines, which some critics argued had violated federal law.”

“But critics charge the guidelines will be far too restrictive, making it difficult for some patients to be treated with the most effective options. There is also concern that the guidelines, which are not binding, will be widely adopted by state legislatures and government agencies.”

“These objections began percolating after the CDC disclosed the guidelines last fall. Earlier this month, the National Institutes of Health’s Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee met and decided to file an objection to the CDC. In particular, many of the participants expressed concern that the CDC relied on what was termed weak evidence for some of its recommendations.​​”

For full report from STAT news, see ​

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