Primary Care Corner with Geoffrey Modest MD: Aspirin use and prostate cancer

I had posted a couple of articles in the lancet suggesting that aspirin protected against incident cancer and cancer mortality, including in those with metastatic disease. New observational study of 6000 men with prostate cancer (localized adeno, rxd with radical prostatectomy or xrt) and followed 70 months found that, irrespective of the prostate ca therapy, those who happened to be taking aspirin had much lower prostate-specific mortality (3% vs 8%), with dec in both disease recurrence and bony mets. The decrease was particularly impressive in those with “high-risk” disease, wtih prostate-specific mortality 4% vs 19%. Although they looked at all anticoag therapies, the effect was primarily seen with aspirin.  See doi: 10.1200/JCO.2011.41.0308.  So, observational study, but adds to the lancet studies, and prior studies that aspirin/nsaids help prevent colon cancer.


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