Primary Care Corner

Allow me to introduce Dr. Geoffrey Modest, Professor of Clinical Medicine at Boston University and Clinical Instructor at Harvard Medical School.  He has taught many and practices at Upham’s Corner Health Center.  EBM is proud to have Dr. Modest to contribute to this blog, to be called PRIMARY CARE CORNER.  I’ll let him introduce himself here.

From Primary Care Corner, Geoffrey Modest, MD:

I am a primary care physician, trained in family medicine, who has been practicing for the past 30+ years in a neighborhood health center in an inner-city, underserved, multiethnic area of Boston. The health center has a multi-disciplinary approach to providing health care services, with an emphasis on social, psychological, and community-oriented care, as well as direct medical services.  During this time I have been involved in teaching medical residents from two of the major Boston teaching hospitals, both in the hospital and in our health center. About 3 years ago, I began sending emails (more than 500 to date) to the staff of our health center, many of the residents of these hospitals and physician staff there as well.  The goal of these emails was to provide a summary of what I considered to be important articles in primary care, with enough information to be useful in clinical practice and with a link to the full article, along with my own commentary.  I wanted to share these emails in a wider audience and so began this blog.  I will post a few of my more recent emails and all future ones to this blog.  Please let me know if you have suggestions/questions.

Conflicts of Interest: There have never been any conflicts of interest in any of my blogs over the years. I have not received any financial or material support from any pharmaceutical or medical device maker, or any company or individual that might have influenced me in any financial/material manner in any of my statements in my blogs.

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