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BrowZine: new iPad app taking academic libraries by storm

1 Feb, 13 | by BMJ

There seems to be a trend emerging amongst US academic libraries. The University of Florida is just one of many institutions trying out a new iPad app, free to students, that could make academic research a far less cumbersome experience.

Browsable Newsstand of Library's Journals | BrowZine iPad App ScreenshotSaved Journal Articles | BrowZine iPad App Screenshot


QR Codes: useful professional tool or just a gimmick?

29 Jul, 11 | by BMJ

QR codes are becoming more and more prevalent in our daily lives. Now commonly used for digital boarding passes, interactive shop windows and advertisements in newspapers, magazines and billboards, they are appealing to our inherent desire to access further information as quickly as possible.

Notably, rather than remaining the domain of entertainment and retail marketing strategies, QR codes are increasingly used as a serious means of information recall in professional and scholarly circles. more…

Library branding now available on all journal websites

8 Oct, 10 | by BMJ

The journal websites have recently installed library branding functionality, which is similar to that offered by NEJM and Oxford University Press. Library branding basically means that users gaining access to a particular journal via a site licence will see a logo of the library that is paying to give them access near the top of the third column on the right hand side of the page (see screenshot below).

Librarians can now upload their institution’s logo and name onto the HighWire system, which will be displayed to members of their community accessing content through their IP addresses. It can be found at the top right of all our journal pages.

We support a logo size of 110-150px by 40-60px in .jpg, .gif, or .png format. The maximum file size that can be uploaded is 15KB. Each institution has an administrator who can login to a designated area of each journal website through the ‘Sign in’ link.
The HighWire system recognises these administrators automatically and provides the necessary features to upload an image and change  institution name.  Please see below various screenshots from this administrative area of the HighWire sites:

The administrator username and password are sent to customers as soon as they subscribe to any of our journals. If for seem reason a customer does not receive these details, they can contact Customer Services at the following email address:

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