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Optima: Web of Science and Endnote in ScholarOne Manuscripts

9 Jun, 11 | by BMJ

A key feature of the new manuscript submission system being used by the BMJ Journals is its connected functionality with other Thomson Reuters products, namely Web of Science and EndNote. Through Optima, authors can create their manuscript in EndNote and seamlessly submit it for review using ScholarOne. Its integration with Web of Science also means that reviewers and editors have one-click access from the manuscripts to the times cited, related records, and links to the full record files, allowing for a well-organised and proficient reviewing process.

Authors can upload their manuscripts from EndNote directly onto the submission system

Optima offers our reviewers and editors direct one-click access from the manuscripts to citations, related records, and links in Web of Science, making the review process rich and more efficient. The system interacts in real time with the Web of Science, so editors can easily find reviewers and check references for completeness, and reviewers can place an author’s new work in its entire research context with a single click.

Benefits to authors

• Automated population of manuscript submission fields from their EndNote Fast Pass submission.
• Authors’ workload is reduced and submission/reference accuracy is improved via use of Fast Pass submission into ScholarOne Manuscripts.

Benefits to editors and reviewers

• Editors can perform an integrated search of Web of Science for reviewers and invited authors, using keywords and related records.
• Reviewers have click-through citation linking and related records in manuscripts they are reviewing.
• Editors and Reviewers have enhanced access to Web of Science even when away from their full institutional memberships.

Imported and validated manuscript references are automatically linked into Web of Science for one-click viewing.

If you have any questions or queries about this functionality, please email or leave a comment below.

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