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BJSM blog released on the Kindle

11 Feb, 11 | by BMJ

With Amazon claiming a breakthrough success for its Kindle, having announced that eBooks now exceed paperback sales on its US site, the BMJ Group is developing its offerings on this platform. Since the beginning of 2010 “for every 100 paperback books Amazon sold, the company sold 115 Kindle books”.

One of the neat little sub-features of Amazon’s Kindle is being able to subscribe to blogs on it. You have to pay a token amount for the privilege, but for Kindle users, it makes sense as the content is delivered to you wirelessly for your favourite blogs. BJSM (British Journal of Sports Medicine) has recently released its popular blog onto the Kindle. The BJSM blog provides the sports medicine, physical activity and exercise performance communities with a forum to interact about a range of relevant issues.

Kindle blogs are fully downloaded onto your Kindle so you can read them even when not wirelessly connected. And unlike RSS readers which often only provide headlines, blogs on Kindle give you full text content and images, and are updated wirelessly throughout the day. More of the BMJ blogs will be making their way on to Kindle in the near future so let us know which you’d like to see first!

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