By Simon Franklin, Jonathan Ospina Betancurt @JonathanOspinaB and Silvia Camporesi @silviacamporesi How can performance data resolve the arbitration of sensitive matters in the world of sports? In the absence of experimental data (i.e. clinical trials), researchers must build an argument based on associations in observational data. This data is often not widely available. Below, we’ll […]
Tag: Research methods
Methods for identifying repeat treatment episodes and adjusting for risk factor transient exposures
Guest Blog by @CarolineFinch Cross Fertilising ‘Injury Prevention’ journal (IP) and BJSM Sports injury epidemiologists with a methodological bent will benefit from two papers published in the October issue of the BJSM’s sister journal, Injury Prevention. In the first paper, Davie et al. discuss how to identify re-admissions for the same injury from hospital discharge data. […]