Naming culture

I’ve written lots here in the past about names – the issues of how we address each other, and how we permit patients and their families to address us. During the process of writing those posts I made some changes to how I thought, which altered some of my behaviours. I wanted to share here some other thoughts […]

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Publication bias.

SO – you all know about publication bias? The fact that nasty, authoritarian Journal Editors, sat with their cigars, expensive brandy and well-roasted coffee look upon trials that don’t give positive results and consign them to the pit of Rejection? (That’s just how it happens.) Well, there’s another variants on this theme. There’s the “we’ll […]

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Top five tips from the UK’s National Paediatric Academic Trainee Weekend

The UK’s National Paediatric Academic Trainee group organised a conference to talk about how to get on in academic paediatrics. Now, there are academics of very many flavours in paediatrics and child health, and it’s always great to see more folk turning to the (en)light(ened) path of never believing anything and ending every conversation “but more […]

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The New-Look ADC_JC has arrived

Bristling with new folk, layered with many layers of intellectual finery, and repeatedly pointed at by folk around the world as an example of high-class education the ancient public school of Eton College has few similarities  with our online, twitter-based, journal club @ADC_JC. But both began new years, recently, and the Journal Club opened examining […]

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Routine data vs research expense

Lots of debates could be had off this title. When is an ‘audit’ and audit and when is it a cloaked piece of poor quality retrospective research? Why is ‘research’ considered better just because it’s ‘special’? What makes research study data forms nearly impossible to understand without spending 3 days in a steam hut wearing just a […]

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