Picket line

Do you remember we started looking out for new studies, important studies, that would change the way we thought about paediatric practice, or confirmed that we didn’t need to? It was back in 2010 and we’ve not stopped. But we’d like to hear from you if you want to join in.

There’s a mountain of new research that’s piling over us and we need to keep on top of it. The problem we face, like everyone else, is that the research isn’t all as good as we’d like it to be. And so we started to provide a forewarning service, producing Pickets to summarise great papers (like the one showing that compression-only CPR is NOT good enough for children)…

We also popped some stuff on the blog here about papers that you might have thought about changing your practice on – but we don’t think you should.

We’re interested in hearing from folk who’d like to be involved with producing these abstracts – either as part of the Picketing team or having spotted something that needs a NotAPicket blogging – tweet us at @ADC_BMJ and we’ll be in touch.

– Archi & Friends

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