“Cancer Tales”: Live Theatre and Lively Debate, Royal Society of Medicine, London, 10th October 2008

Organised by their student section, this evening will undoubtedly prove one of the highlights of the RSM’s busy programme of events. Publicity material for the meeting promises an opportunity to “explore emotion and communication in a medical setting through theatre”. This enticing and still relatively novel approach to medical educational meetings will hopefully attract both the converts and […]

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The high cost of going blind:patients allowed access to sight-saving drug

This week there was good news for patients in England with an age-related eye condition that leads to blindness. This week, long after a new and effective drug treatment for a relatively common condition called wet macular degeneration became commercially available, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) ruled that it should be […]

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Society for the Social History of Medicine 2008 Annual Conference: Glasgow 3-5 September 2008

Jointly organised by the Centre for the History of Medicine at University of Glasgow and the Centre for the Social History of Health and Healthcare, Glasgow (a research collaboration between Glasgow Caledonian University and the University of Strathclyde), this conference should be of interest to all medical humanities scholars. http://www.sshm.org/confs.html The focus of the conference […]

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