Ayesha Ahmad: Review of ‘Able-Bodied – Scenes from a curious life’ by Professor Leslie Swartz

  Having had the privilege to meet with Professor Swartz, I read his most recent book publication, ‘Able-Bodied – Scenes from a curious life’ with the jovial sounds of his uncanny ability to reflect on human nature and experiences in the background.   I certainly found Professor Swartz’ presence evident in the somewhat apologetic way […]

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Global Medical Humanities, Association for Medical Humanities Conference.

There has been continuous and vigorous debate about the theory and practice of medical humanities but only recently have questions been raised about the content and aims of the field in a global context. For example, in December 2011, Claire Hooker and Estelle Noonan published a paper entitled ‘Medical Humanities as Expressive of Western Culture’ […]

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Ethics Under Cover: Comics, Medicine, and Society

Ethics Under Cover: Comics, Medicine and Society 5th-7th July 2013 Brighton and Sussex Medical School Brighton and Sussex Medical School in collaboration with Brighton and Sussex University Hospital Trust and Graphic Medicine invites papers for the fourth international conference on Comics and Medicine. Previous meetings have been held in London, Chicago and Toronto (more information atwww.graphicmedicine.org). […]

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Ayesha Ahmad: Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine Competition

The Hippocrates Initiative began in 2009 as the Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine for an unpublished poem on a medical subject. The Hippocrates Initiative now also includes an annual international symposia at which the Hippocrates awards are presented, an international research forum for poetry and medicine and The Hippocrates Press. […]

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James Poskett: Naval Expertise Conference, May 10-11 2013

For those regularly following this blog, you’ll know I’m keen on exploring how maritime and medical history can be brought together, particularly with respect to developing critical global histories of both. If you share my enthusiasm, you might be interested in the following conference, due to take place 10-11th May 2013 at Wolfson College, University […]

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Ayesha Ahmad: Call for ‘Stories’; Symposium edited by Tod Chambers

Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics will publish an issue devoted to personal stories from bioethicists about the experience of being ill or caring for a person who is ill. We are particularly interested in those stories that have affected how a bioethicist “does” ethics. We want true, personal stories in a form that is easy to read. […]

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