But Does it Cause Cancer?

It’s so confusing.  One day the newspaper tells you that – oh, I don’t know – orange juice causes cancer, the next the radio tells you that it cures it.  One news sources says one thing, another the opposite, all of them citing the same studies.  How to cut through the thicket? Fret no more.  […]

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A Big Week for Little Cells

Stem cells have been in the news rather a lot lately.  President Obama has, it’s currently being widely reported, lifted Dubya’s restrictions on human embryonic stem-cell research, much to the chagrin of some, and the delight of others.  (Interestingly enough, among the worriers we find a surprisingly large number of British commentators who point out […]

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Quick and pointless

This has been bugging me for months, if not years.  Sorry to spam it here, but maybe someone could provide me with an answer: if and when an effective treatment is discovered for c. difficile, will it have to be renamed – perhaps as c. facile?  Have I missed something? Like I said – sorry. […]

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