The Wellcome Trust Programme ‘The Human Body: its scope limits and future’ will be holding a two day conference titled ‘Beyond the Body? Perspectives on Enhancement’ in Manchester from 9th to the 11th April 2010. […]
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Concord in Ethics and Bioethics
Over at Pea Soup, Ralph Wedgwood makes an interesting claim: I suspect that on several issues that are the focus of fierce moral controversies today – such as homosexuality and the death penalty – there is significantly less disagreement among contemporary philosophers than in the population as a whole. Indeed, I tentatively suggest, the historical […]
Centre for Professional Ethics at Keele PGT Open Day – Updated
The Centre for Professional Ethics & the School of Law at Keele University would like to invite you to attend their postgraduate taught courses open day on the 31st of March – between 4:30 pm and 7:00 pm at the Claus Moser Research Centre, Keele University. Update: Details of the event can be found here: […]
Ethical Issues in Infectious Disease Control Workshop 22nd of April – Centre for Professional Ethics, Keele University.
The Centre for Professional Ethics at Keele like to announce a Wellcome Trust funded workshop to be held at Keele University on the 22nd of April focusing on the ethical issues raised by infectious disease control. […]
On the subject of Mephedrone…
I think that it’s worth pointing out that the way the media have handled mephedrone has been generally pathetic. This is not wholly a surprise, because the way the media handle any drugs story tends towards the pathetic. […]
Quick! Ban Something!
It goes without saying that the deaths of Louis Wainwright and Nicholas Smith, apparently after having taken the legal high mephedrone, is a matter of deep regret. But it’s also a matter of sad predictability that the news has been hotly followed by calls for mephedrone to be banned; speaking on Today this morning, Chris Grayling, […]
Science! Homeopathy! Quantum Stuff!
At last! A scientific rationale for homeopathy! This paper is a first step towards a full, quantum understanding of homeopathy. It is clear that quantum mechanics is the only way to understand the success of homeopathic medicine in a physical context. It is also immediately clear that doctors should avoid patients after treatment. Patients must […]
Resource: Bioethics in NewsFilm Online
This seems like a useful new resource. There is an archive :NewsFilm Online (NFO, This archive now hosts some 60,000 news clips produced by ITN and Reuters in collaboration with the British Universities Film & Video Council and EDINA went live in October 2008. Despite the fact that NFO includes footage of many bioethics-related […]
Don’t Go Outside… You Might Break the Baby
A couple of days ago, I made a post about Nicaragua’s abortion laws and their – ahem – unfortunate consequences. However, it would appear that the atmosphere that generated them is a model of liberalism in comparison to the atmosphere further north. I have in mind here Utah’s Criminal Homicide and Abortion Amendments (HB12), recently passed […]
I got an email today from one of our current batch of students, who will – all being well – be collecting his MA in the next few months.* The essence of the email is this: over the course of his time with us, he’s found that his interest in medical ethics and law has […]