Conference: Compassion Fatigue: Changing Culture in the NHS

26-28 June, Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, Birmingham (via Andrew Edgar) Can the language of compassion capture the moral problems confronted by the NHS, or might it obfuscate and distract us from more subtle and demanding issues? Through a series of plenary addresses, workshops, panels and shared opportunities for discussion, “Compassion Fatigue” will provide an opportunity […]

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Are Biomedical Ethics Journals Institutionally Racist?

So there’s this letter published in the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry that moots the idea that the top biomedical ethics journals might be institutionally racist.  In it, Subrata Chattopadhyay, Catherine Myser and Raymond De Vries point out that the editorial boards of a good number of journals are dominated by members who are located in the global North – countries officially listed as […]

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CfP: 7th Annual Postgraduate Bioethics Conference: Bioethics in Law and Public Policy

via Isra Black: The convenors of the 7th annual Postgraduate Bioethics Conference invite doctoral students working in any area of bioethics to submit abstracts for this year’s conference, which will take place on 22-24 May 2013 at King’s College London. In accordance with the theme of this year’s conference, we would particularly welcome papers that […]

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