If you are texting you are not driving

There is increasing concern about the risk associated with distracted driving
 and more specifically with the manipulation of cell/smartphones while driving. Adolescents are a population at high risk given that approximately 50% of youth age 16 and older (U.S. data) admits texting/e-mailing while driving in the past-month. A recent study by Klauer et al., Distracted […]

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Management of sports-related concussion: is research making a difference yet?

Sports-related concussion is currently, arguably, the most heated topic in sports injury prevention. Sensationalist media headlines and stories about the toll of concussive hits, particularly in contact sports, are all-too-common. Recently, during the FIFA Women’s World Cup, we saw this head-knock between Alexandra Popp and Morgan Brian, which once again called into question protocols around the […]

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Media and injury prevention

As an injury prevention researcher, I am often dismayed at the way in which injuries, risk, and injury prevention efforts are portrayed in the media. I clearly recall being disgusted as an idealistic teenager, having read a newspaper article regarding the untimely death of a peer who had been killed during a police chase. The […]

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Minimising dance injury through changing dance floors

As someone who has appreciated many dance performances (primarily as I have absolutely NO dancing ability or talent in any single speck of my body!), and as an injury prevention researcher and advocate, my interest was piqued by an article authored by Hopper, Alderson, Elliott, & Ackland recently published in the Journal of Science and […]

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More background on our blogging team

Blog 3: So today I wanted to share some more background on our blogging team. As an applied social psychologist, I find this information very interesting indeed! What excites you about being part of the Injury Prevention social media editorial team?   Sheree Bekker: The invaluable conversation that has sprung up around scholarly work through the […]

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More background on our new blogging team

Today I will share more about our blogging team members. Blog 2: Explain your injury prevention research and interests. Sheree Bekker: My research investigates safety promotion and injury prevention policy and practice within community sport in Australia. I have a particular interest in dissemination and social marketing. The overall purpose of my research is to allow […]

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Very exciting news!

Announcing the new Injury Prevention social media editorial team Today I am both delighted and honoured as Senior Blog Editor to introduce our outstanding team of Injury Prevention Blog Editors. Over the coming days I will blog so that you can learn quite a bit about our Editors, including their experience and injury prevention interests. I am sure […]

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Friday 29 May in Australia is Fatality Free Friday

Tomorrow, Friday 29 May, is Fatality Free Friday down under. As noted on the website, Road safety is a complex issue but we believe that if drivers consciously think about road safety and safe driving for just one Friday in the year, that day’s toll – statistically about 5.3 deaths – could be reduced to […]

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