Barry’s Blog #7

Authorship: How many is too many? Ana Marusic is a frequent contributor to WAME discussions and one topic that crops often crops up is authorship, and specifically, are there times when many authors are justified. After a systematic review, it appears the answer depends entirely on the discipline.  In the Introduction to this report, Marusic […]

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Barry’s Blog #7

Hearing loss: most common work injury According to CDC the most common work-related injury in the U.S. is hearing loss with about  22 million workers exposed to hazardous noise at work, and 9 million  exposed to ototoxic chemicals. A report by the Children’s Hearing Institute found hearing loss among children and young adults to be rising. About one […]

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Barry’s Blog #3

TBI database Related to the concussion issue,  it is noteworthy that the National Institutes of Health’s Center for Information Technology and the Department of Defense in the U.S. are developing a central database on traumatic brain injuries. The Federal Interagency Traumatic Brain Injury Research will receive $10 million in funding over 4 years to aid […]

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Barry’s Blog #2

Note: As an aging person I am still not entirely clear what blogs are all about. But I have agreed to do my best to keep ours fresh by contributing more often. Some of what I will submit are left-overs from the News and Notes section I edit. I also intend to bring to your attention items of interest that I come across on the web and elsewhere. I will comment on some of these and I encourage readers to add their views. […]

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Writing tip (3)

Writing texts remind us that ‘data’ are plural; datum is singular. Yet most writers insist on using data in the singular e.g., the data is clear. When is the last time you read ‘the datum is…’? I give up! This is yet another battle where common use must be declared the winner. […]

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Upcoming courses (2)

May 30-June 24 – Course on Economic Evaluation of Health, Safety, and Environmental Programs in Europe and the United States ECIP, in collaboration with the Indiana University School of Policy and Environmental Analysis, offers this course that will include injury topics among the health improvement cases studied. American and Spanish faculty will teach the course […]

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Upcoming courses (1)

May 5 – 6 and May 10-11- AIS 2005 update 2008 coding courses European Center for Injury Prevention (ECIP) with AAAM offers AIS coding courses The AIS 2005 update 2008 has been translated into Spanish under the auspices of AAAM and ECIP. The courses are primarily intended for professionals involved in the coding of injury […]

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