Valuable resource

Herb Linn, who I believe is Assistant Director for Outreach at West Virginia University Injury Control Research Ctr, has begun posting bi-weekly Injury Prevention Research, Practice & Policy News on the  I assume any readers of this blog can arrange to receive these (and other) valuable items on this listserve.  I cannot reproduce an example of what […]

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Table saw 1, Injury-free arm and hand 0

I have taken Barry’s advice and become a regular reader of Fair Warning. I read a post yesterday titled “After more than a decade and thousands of disfiguring injuries, power tool industry still resisting safety fix” by Myron Levin, with contributions by Lilly Fowler (read the article here: As the daughter of a builder, I am […]

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People in the news

Editors Note: Apologies if I posted these previously. I wrote them some while ago but discovered them in the Draft folder. So, perhaps second try. María Seguí Gómez Our board member has been appointed General Director of Public Health, Drug Dependency and Consumption for the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. Comment: This is a huge […]

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Insightful Injury Investigation

Now that I have your attention with my alliterative title, I wanted to draw your attention to a review article in The New England Journal of Medicine. This year readers of the Injury Prevention blog have been invited to read further regarding injuries arising from such mechanisms as gun violence, transportation, and domestic violence. The review article succinctly explores […]

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The Challenge of Highlighting Violence against Women in Tradition-Adhering Societies

This week, Flaura Winston of the University of Pennsylvania shared the news post of the first ever media campaign regarding violence against women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The campaign features a veiled woman with a bruised and blackened eye, and is entitled “Some things can’t be covered.” The campaign is sponsored by […]

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Children at risk of thermal hazards

Readers may recall that in March I entered a post regarding hot water scalds, sharing the vivid memories I still have – 30 years later – of my cousin’s dreadful injuries. Whilst hot water remains a potential and significant source of injury to babies and small children, there are a variety of other thermal hazards which also place these vulnerable members […]

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Falls – a complicated problem with wide-reaching impacts

Falls are a significant concern for older persons, and for older persons with medical conditions in particular, and as such they feature frequently in the injury prevention literature. A number of articles addressing this considerable source of injury, examining the problem from a variety of perspectives, have caught my attention. The perceptions of older community-dwelling […]

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