CDC Public Health Grand Rounds: Injury Prevention

If you missed this webcast, which was, in part a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the creation of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at CDC, do visit youtube and click this link:

You will then see what over 11,000 others did who logged in from around the world. This Grand Rounds, featuring Linda Degutis, the Director of the National Center; Melvin Kohn, David Sleet, and Georges Benjamin. was first rate. It began with a message from Thomas Frieden, the Director of CDC, that indicates the importance CDC attaches to the National Center. Linda Degutis’s remarks touched on all the key messages. Kohn spoke about suicide prevention programs in Oregon; Sleet gave a brilliant account of the efforts to control drunk driving; and Benjamin, the executive director if APHA placed the topic in the broader context of public health in the U.S. and abroad.

The announcement stated: “Worldwide, 5.8 million people die each year from injuries.  In the United States more than 180,000 fatal injuries occur and billions of dollars are spent on medical expenses and lost productivity due to injuries.  Motor vehicle crashes, falls, homicides, suicides, domestic violence, child maltreatment, and prescription drug overdoses are just some of the tragedies we hear about every day that affect us all, regardless of sex, race, or economic status.  While many people accept these events as “part of life,” most events resulting in injury, death, or disability are predictable and therefore preventable.

This session of Public Health Grand Rounds will explore the role of public health in the prevention of injury and violence, and provide a comprehensive picture of the science of injury and violence that has been used to develop and implement solutions such as suicide prevention programs in Oregon and the adoption of the .08 blood alcohol limit for U.S. drivers. The session will also look at future public health challenges and opportunities in reducing the number of preventable tragedies caused by injury and violence.

Presented By:

Linda C. Degutis, DrPH, MSN
Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC

“Injury and Violence Prevention: The Role of Public Health in Building the Science Base and Translating Science to Practice”

Melvin Kohn, M.D., M.P.H

Director and State Health Officer, Oregon Public Health Division

Using Surveillance to Drive Interventions: Suicide Prevention in Oregon”

David A. Sleet, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.,

Associate Director for Science, Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention,

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC

“Using Evidence to Inform Policy: The Case of 0.08 BAC Laws in the United States”

Georges C. Benjamin, MD, FACP, FNAPA, FACEP (E), Hon FRSPH

Executive Director, American Public Health Association

“The Next 20 Years: Challenges and Opportunities for Injury and Violence Prevention”

Facilitated By:

Tanja Popovic, M.D., Ph.D., Scientific Director, Public Health Grand Rounds

Editors comment: I was blown away by the number of people across the globe who viewed this program. It is a hopeful sign for the future of Injury Prevention.

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