The challenges & rewards of combing teaching & learning, research & scholarly activity

Joanna Smith (@josmith175), Lecturer Children’s Nursing, University of Leeds & Associate Editor EBN I have worked in higher education for 15 years, and draw on over 15 years’ clinical experiences, primarily caring for children with complex needs to inform my teaching and research. I qualified as a registered general nurse in 1986, and registered children’s […]

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Beat Diabetes: WHO World Health Day, April 7, 2016

@RobertaHeale  Associate Editor EBN Every year on April 7, the birthday of the World Health Organization, the organization highlights a global public health concern. In 2016, the theme is diabetes. The organization explains why this in an important theme on their website: I can’t imagine meeting anyone in health care who hasn’t had to work […]

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World Kidney Day 2016

Dr Helen Noble, Queens University Belfast and Sarah Hallahan, Belfast City Hospital, Northern Ireland. Kidney problems are common. And the number of people with serious kidney problems, such as kidney disease is growing. World Kidney Day (WKD occurs annually on the 2nd Thursday in March. See; On this day kidney charities, staff and patients organise events […]

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Shifting the Paradigm of Prenatal Care: Prenatal Care in Groups

Dr. Gina Novick is a certified nurse-midwife (CNM) from the United States. Gina shares her experience both as a clinician and researcher on using different models of pregnancy care to build meaningful relationships between women and pregnancy care providers. Read Gina’s blog here… When I entered midwifery, I was introduced to the midwifery philosophy of […]

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