Cochrane in Nursing: 20 years and counting of evidence-based health care

In 1998, in the first published paper in the first published edition of Evidence-Based Nursing, Anne Mulhall began her article by asking the question ‘Why has research-based practice become so important and why is everyone talking about evidence based health care? But most importantly, how is nursing best placed to maximise the benefits which evidence-based […]

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Nurses Against Nurses

I just finished reading and marking some papers from a nursing course.  The assignment included interviewing an advanced practice nurse and discussing her scope of practice, workplace, collaborative network and any barriers to practice.  It was an interesting assignment.  However, one thing that struck me was the term horizontal violence.  It is a term that […]

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Preparedness for Practice

I’m involved in a research project investigating newly graduated nurse practitioner’s perceptions of their preparedness to practice.  Participants will be asked to give their thoughts about how well the education program prepared them to work as an NP.  There have been many changes in NP legislation and to models of primary health care in our […]

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‘15-minute care visits’

This week in England there has been high profile media reports, both nationally and within the nursing press, about ‘15-minute care’ visits for individuals requiring social and healthcare in the community.  Headlines such ‘councils ordered care agencies to complete vital home visits in 15-minute time-slots to save money’ sparked the media ‘frenzy’. The backdrop was […]

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Evidence Based Practice…Roadblocks and Detours

I recently taught a health promotion course to graduate nursing students.  We reviewed many issues including the implementation of evidence in practice.  We were reminded that evidence based practice includes the use of data from well conducted research studies, but also includes the clinical experience of the practitioner and, most importantly, input from the patient.  […]

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